In it for The Long Run…
The Long Run is one of the world’s largest sustainable development initiatives which is led by nature-based businesses. Our collective vision is that of a world in which business, nature and people work harmoniously for a sustainable future. Borana is part of this collective of nature based businesses who follow the highest standards of sustainability encompassing Conservation, Community, Culture and Commerce – the 4Cs.
Borana has been a member of the The Long Run since 2015 and we believe that what we do together for the planet, for people and for business is much more than what we can do on our own. Collectively we can show the world that business, particularly tourism, can be a force for good and inspire others to take up best practice to make the world a better place. The members of The Long Run continuously demonstrate that profit can and should go hand in hand with productive ecosystems, and prosperous communities.
Through The Long Run, Borana is connected to a global community of exceptional destinations who support and inspire each other to expand their positive impact and to excel in following the highest standards of sustainability embracing Conservation, Community, Culture and Commerce (4Cs).
“For me, Borana is the quintessential example of what The Long Run stands for. Particularly in its approach to making conservation a long-term viable option through business resilience, strong community connections, and providing a habitat for the region’s most endangered species.”
— Delphine King, Executive Director of The Long Run.
The GER ® Standard
The Global Ecosphere Retreat standard is recognised by the Global Sustainability Tourism Council as a leading sustainability standard. It is considered to be ‘one of the world’s best standard for privately protected areas’ (Dr. Jeff A. Langholz).
Borana Lodge and Conservancy HQ gained GER status in May 2020 after a rigorous audit carried out in January 2020, which covered all aspects of the 4Cs in equal weight. The standard is not only about businesses mitigating their negative environmental impacts but about positively impacting the well-being of people and the planet.
The GER® standard is ultimately for those nature-based tourism businesses that are exceptionally motivated to be a force for greater good and are, or aspire to be, the best of the best in sustainable tourism.
Our goal is for all aspects of Borana Conservancy, including all properties, to be Long Run members and leaders in sustainable business and tourism.